速報APP / 影音播放與編輯 / Yatse Call Plugin

Yatse Call Plugin





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:27 rue Henri Rolland 69100 Villeurbanne France

Yatse Call Plugin(圖1)-速報App

Bring Kodi to a new level with streaming, offline media and easy remote control.

This application is a plugin for Yatse, the Kodi Remote.

When this application is installed, the calls you receive can be send as notifications to Kodi.

You can also configure automatic actions like pause or mute.

The settings are available in the plugin and not in the main application.

Settings allows you to configure the action on hangup to avoid restarting a media paused before the call.

Yatse Call Plugin(圖2)-速報App


– You need to start the plugin once from your launcher for the events to correctly registers.

– You need to have Yatse, the Kodi Remote to install this.

– The permissions are needed to get the new call event and the name of the caller.

– The screenshots contain content © copyright Blender Foundation | sintel.org / elephantsdream.org / bigbuckbunny.org / tearsofsteel.com

– All images are used under their respective CC Licenses | http://creativecommons.org

– Kodi™ / XBMC™ are trademarks of the XBMC Foundation